UI without UX? Nope. Here’s why you need both

We’ve all been there – you’re searching the web for a product or service and are bombarded by what feels like hundreds of sites. While they all seem to offer the same thing, one clearly stands out from the rest, and this isn’t just because it looks great... What really sets it apart is that it’s clear and easy to use, so you find what you’re looking for in no time.  

To build a successful app, you need to see UI and UX as an inseparable pair. I think most people already understand the benefits of good UI design - I mean, it goes without saying that an app needs to look good. But I think the importance of UX design often gets overlooked. So I’m going to give UX its day in the sun, and highlight why it’s a vital part of building any app.

Illustration by pikisuperstar

(P.s. If these terms have left you scratching your head, first check out our post, “User Experience Design (UX) and User Interface Design (UI). What’s the difference?”)

UX helps to nail down app goals

Any meaningful UX strategy starts with research, and a lot of it! We like to call this phase “The Discovery Phase” - not only because it sounds good - but also because that’s exactly what happens; we discover a whole range of things that we would never have seen coming. This is why UX research is a crucial part of any app project. 

UX relies on user-testing, user interviews, and other fact-finding techniques to get a true sense of what users want. This is often quite different to what product owners assume their users want. And you know what they say about assuming… 

Knowing what users want is the first step to determining what your app goals should be. Once you have your app goals down, your developers can start scoping the technical requirements. A scope is the surest way to get to an accurate cost and time estimate, thus preventing any unwelcome surprises down the road.

UX reduces costs down the line

UX is often seen as an unnecessary additional cost. This is oh so wrong. So wrong in fact, that it even pained me a little to type it! Although investing in UX may increase project costs initially, it will save money in the long run. 

Trust me - when it comes to apps, it’s almost always cheaper to prevent a problem from happening, than to fix it at a later stage. This is because it’s easier and quicker to fix an issue during the UX and design phase, than it is to fix it during development. And making large-scale development changes after the app has launched? Let’s not even go there... 💰

UX gives users the attention they deserve

A UX designer’s pure and undivided attention on “the user” may seem a bit overboard, but it’s not. Put simply, users are our reason for being. That’s why we’re called “User Experience (UX) Designers”. It’s our job to provide users with an exceptional online experience that makes their lives easier. 

And don’t be fooled - this goal is not completely altruistic… by giving users what they want, UX designers are able to encourage repeat visits, future purchases, and increased conversions. Who said anything about a one-sided love affair? 

Illustration by pikisuperstar

UX gets users to their destination

Effective UX gets users to their desired destination in the simplest, and most efficient way.

By providing users with intuitive navigation, clear product descriptions, and enticing calls to action, UX gently guides users through an app, often leading to a successful conversion. 

Conversions come in many forms - a product purchase, a newsletter sign up, an account creation - basically all the stuff that app owners want to happen. Whereas good UX encourages conversions, bad UX can push users into the welcoming arms of competitors. Ouch.

Don’t let this happen. Provide users with an effortless journey, and they’ll be more likely to keep coming back. And who knows? They might even become your brand’s most valuable ambassador.

UX grows profits

Good UX can help your business achieve its financial goals simply by focussing on your users’ needs. By providing a delightful user experience, you’ll not only see customers coming back time and time again, but you’ll also see a boost in conversions, increased sales, and more money rolling into your bank account! 

So, it’s time to get excited about UX! It’s good for your users, good for your business, and good for the web as a whole. Now that’s what I call win-win. 

UX creates trust

Let’s be honest - there are a lot of dodgy companies out there. Customers need to be increasingly careful of what they purchase, which services they use, and where they source their products. Because of this, users are starting to conduct research before trusting a business. 

What does this mean for your app? Well firstly, you need to show that your brand is trustworthy. But how do you do that? You do it with app content that highlights your organisation’s credibility, and showcases your quality expertise.

But what good is all this trustworthy content if no one sees it? Exactly. This is where UX comes in. A well-crafted user experience will help your users find important content and read it. This not only helps to give new customers peace of mind, but also to retain and nurture existing users.

Illustration kit by UI Place

UX improves search rankings

That’s right, good UX can result in a better ranking on Google and other search engines. How, you may ask? Because Google actively boosts sites with great UX in their search results. By evaluating website data like dwell time (the time a user spends on a page), and navigation patterns, Google determines how user-friendly and relevant your app is. They then take this “UX profile” of your app and weigh it up against other apps and websites. The better your UX is, the higher your app will rank.

So say goodbye to keyword-stuffing and meaningless back-linking - there’s no tricking this algorithm! By combining a solid SEO strategy with strong UX design, you’ll be setting your app up for Google ranking success!

Conclusion: UI and UX are an inseparable app design team

With thousands of apps vying for attention, it’s no longer enough just to wow users with a flashy UI design. Yes, of course your app needs to be beautiful, but it also needs to be an absolute pleasure to use. 

The fact of the matter is that users have increasingly limited time, so your app needs to grab their attention, not only because of its good looks, but also because of how user-friendly it is. Without the correct balance between UI and UX, you can say goodbye to potential users and wave as they head back to the search results to find someone else. 

Don’t let this happen. Take Google’s advice: “Focus on the user and all else will follow” (Rule #1 on Google’s list of “Ten Things We Know to be True”).

Now that you know more about how UI and UX work together, you’re ready to move onto the next step. Check out our app design guide to dive a little deeper: App design for newbies: A complete guide to building your first app (with pictures)


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